As Umut Psychology and Diet Consultancy Service, this document has been prepared in order to provide one-on-one and online health consultancy services to our clients who want to receive services in the fields of Nutrition, Diet and Psychology within the framework of the rights, authorities and responsibilities of undergraduate education. The terms, conditions and rules below must be read carefully. If the applicant does not accept any of these, he/she will not be able to benefit from any services of our center.
After the client requests an appointment one-on-one or online, he/she must be at the appointment place on the day and time created for him/her. If a meeting is requested before or after the appointment time, the request will be rejected.
After the service contract is signed by the client, no refund will be made in withdrawal and transfer requests, and the number of remaining sessions and such inheritance cannot be transferred to another person.
Apart from the person receiving service from our center, (with the consent of the person receiving service) information can be given or received about your work and transactions, provided that they are a relative of degree.
Since the service that our center’s experts will provide to you is a consultancy service, the responsibility of completing the plan and steps to be given belongs to the person receiving the service. There is no medication treatment or similar medical intervention in our center.
The client can only share his/her own medical information within the scope of this service, otherwise our company will not be responsible within the scope of KVKK and relevant legal provisions.
No claim can be made regarding loss, privacy violation, or sharing originating from the internet environment without the knowledge of our center.
All processes regarding the processing, storage and sharing of special personal data/information about the client are carried out with utmost importance within the framework of the Information Text on the Collection and Processing of Personal Data (https://www.dytnurettinsahinli.com.tr/kisisel-verilerinkorunmasi).
The payment is collected in one go with a credit card in the online virtual pos application. The e-invoice is sent to the contact address.
The fee to be paid for the branch where consultancy will be received is on our official website; www. It must be the current tariff determined at dytnurettinsahinli.com/fiyatpolitikalerimiz.
If the client is not present at our center at the appointment/interview time, the right to meet will be considered used. In case of compelling special circumstances, it is necessary to reach our center from the relevant phones and provide information.
If the client does not come to the meeting for 2 consecutive weeks, all session rights will be canceled.